+ Dealing with the Coronavirus | Messe Karlsruhe

Dealing with the Coronavirus

The Federal Government has lifted all Corona protection measures as of 7 April 2023. We look forward to welcoming you back without restriction as a visitor or exhibitor.

The last few years have taught us to keep our distance and exercise caution. We want you to continue to feel safe and protected with us, which is why we are maintaining our hygiene concept to the extent that we guarantee you sufficient disinfection and hand-washing facilities, as well as sufficient space and an optimal supply of fresh air.

Transparency, open cooperation and our health are our top priorities. Stay healthy!


How do I protect myself ?

The Federal Centre for Health Education (BZgA) recommends proper hand hygiene, compliance with the etiquette for coughing and sneezing and – if possible – keeping a 1m distance to ill persons.

The BZgA has compiled the following recommendations:

Wash hands regularly

  • When you return home
  • Before and while preparing food
  • Before meals
  • After visiting the toilet
  • After blowing your nose, coughing or sneezing
  • Before and after contact with ill persons
  • After contact with animals

Wash hands thoroughly

  • Place your hands under running water
  • Lather hands on all sides
  • Take 20 to 30 seconds to do so
  • Rinse hand under running water
  • Dry hands with a clean towel

Keep hands away from the face and avoid skin contact

  • Don’t touch your mouth, eyes or nose with unwashed hands
  • Temporarily forego embracing and shaking hands as a greeting

Coughing and sneezing correctly

  • Keep a distance and turn away from others when coughing and sneezing
  • Use a handkerchief or place the crook of your arm over your mouth and nose

Keep a distance when ill

  • Cure the illness at home
  • Forego close physical contact as long as you are infectious
  • Stay in a separate room and use a separate toilet, if possible
  • Do not share crockery or towels with others

Protect wounds

  • Cover wounds with a plaster or bandage

Messe Karlsruhe provides its guests, partners and members of staff with hand disinfection dispensers in the toilets, washrooms, in the area in front of the Messe doctor’s surgery/out-patient facility as well as at the entrance concourses.

Messe Karlsruhe has also shortened the cleaning intervals for toilets and washrooms. Contact surfaces (including door handles, handrails and switches) on doors, lifts, staircases and moving walkways are now cleaned daily.

How do I react if a person is obviously ill and/or in poor health?

Report persons suffering from acute breathing difficulties by dialling the emergency number (Messe emergency: 0721-3720-5230). Try to state – if known – whether the person was in contact with a confirmed case of COVID.

Require the concerned person to sit down and avoid direct physical contact. Try to keep a 1 m distance. Wait for emergency services to arrive – they will take over further care provision.